
Hi, my name is Dumindu Sameendra, and I am a 2nd year software engineering undergraduate student at Informatics Institute of Technology affiliated with the University of Westminster. I have always been fascinated by the power of technology and its ability to transform the world we live in. My passion for technology and desire to make a positive impact in the world led me to pursue a degree in software engineering.

I am excited about the endless possibilities that a career in software engineering can offer, and I am eager to continue learning and growing in this field.

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You can find a range of projects on my GitHub, from personal projects to collaborative projects worked on with others. I encourage you to check out my GitHub profile to see more of my work and explore some of the exciting projects that I have been a part of.

One of my most significant recent accomplishments was my contribution to a recent group project that aimed to develop a sentiment and sarcasm analysis platform. This platform was designed to analyze the comments section of a YouTube video and determine the sentiment and sarcasm in the audience's feedback towards the video. As the team leader of a sentiment and sarcasm analysis platform project, I oversaw and contributed to the development process of the backend and machine learning (ML) components. I designed the system architecture, set up the database, and created RESTful API endpoints for communication between the frontend and backend. Additionally, I implemented data processing and analysis pipelines and researched and implemented various algorithms for sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection while fine-tuning ML models using various datasets and parameters. As the team leader, I managed project timelines, provided feedback, addressed issues, and ensured each team member had the necessary resources and support to complete their tasks effectively. Through this project, I developed technical skills, leadership abilities, and gained a deeper understanding of the importance of collaboration, communication, and problem-solving in software engineering.


During my time as an undergraduate student, I have gained a strong foundation in computer programming and software development. I have experience in languages such as Java and Python, and have worked on various projects that have helped me hone my skills.

  • Java
  • Python
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Flask / FastAPIs
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Agile/Scrum

In addition to my technical skills, I have also developed strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills. I enjoy tackling complex problems and finding innovative solutions that improve the overall user experience. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy attending hackathons and technology conferences to expand my knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.